Digital Transformation in the Energy Industry

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According to a McKinsey study, energy companies that actively implement digital technologies can reduce operating costs by 20-30% and increase overall productivity by 5-15%.

However, process optimization, improved energy efficiency, and energy resources management are by no means the only factors highlighting the importance of digital transformation in the energy sector.

The demand for energy is steadily growing (driven by demographic and economic factors). This fact alone presents a number of serious challenges for industry players.

energy production 2024

Companies need not only to meet the growing demand but also to do so in a sustainable and efficient way, considering global trends toward decarbonization and the transition to clean energy. In this context, digital solutions are an essential tool for optimizing asset monitoring, energy production, and delivery.

As the load on energy systems increases and decentralization grows, companies must also improve real-time monitoring and management of their networks. This can be achieved through the implementation of smart grids and automated control systems.

Moreover, new legislative initiatives require companies to better manage their emissions and reduce environmental impact. The new EPA standards adopted in 2023 and federal SEC initiatives against "greenwashing" are aimed at achieving net-zero emissions by 2050. This further emphasizes the need for digital transformation in the energy industry. For instance, IoT-enabled networks are a solution that can help adjust production processes and ensure emissions reductions.

We must not forget about operational risks. Digital sensors, cameras, and other control devices powered by artificial intelligence are a great way to mitigate threats. Such devices significantly reduce the risk of equipment failure and help prevent potential emergencies.

On the other hand, consumers are demanding more control over their energy consumption and a more transparent tariff system. This creates the need for the implementation of digital services: mobile apps for monitoring, smart meters, and more.

These factors make the digital transformation journey not just an opportunity but a fundamental necessity for survival and growth in today’s environment.

How Digital Transformation Can Help The Energy Industry

To begin with, it’s important to note that digital transformation in the energy sector affects all key players in the industry, not just energy companies of production. Let’s take a closer look at the potential benefits for each of them.

Network operators gain extensive opportunities to modernize their infrastructures through digital technologies. For example:

  • The implementation of Advanced Distribution Management Systems (ADMS) allows for real-time monitoring of network conditions.
  • Smart meters help prevent overloads and optimize resource distribution based on consumption patterns.
  • Cloud-based solutions enable rapid response to any changes in the system.

Retail suppliers often face digitalization demands in their interactions with customers. End consumers, whether households or businesses, have specific expectations:

  • Transparent energy management options;
  • The ability to participate in decentralized production systems (through the use of solar energy and storage solutions);
  • Participation in surplus trading, and more.

Naturally, these expectations cannot be met without digital technologies: software, services, equipment, and the necessary computing power.

Utility companies, in turn, must address peak load issues to meet the growing demand and reduce the number of unexpected outages. For example, the implementation of smart meters has allowed Duke Energy (now Brookfield) to optimize energy consumption management by 25%.

Manufacturing plants that have adopted digital tools gain a competitive edge in an increasingly competitive environment. Digital tools help implement new business models and adapt to global uncertainty.

Developers of renewable energy are already at the forefront. Digital transformation in renewable energy is a broad concept that can encompass remote management, predictive analytics, modeling, simulation, and more. 

It's clear that unlocking the scale of energy resources is impossible without a comprehensive implementation of innovations. For example, thanks to cloud technologies, companies can create more flexible, intelligent, and customer-oriented solutions.

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In summary, digital transformation Can Help:

  • Increase efficiency and reduce various risks;
  • Establish a sustainable energy model for development;
  • Align with market trends and consumer expectations;
  • Improve analytics for comprehensive energy demand forecasting;
  • Modernize existing processes;
  • Ensure transparency and security in energy transactions;
  • Reduce negative environmental impacts.

In any case, digital transformation in energy and utilities is important not only within individual companies but also for overall economic growth. 

Global energy reserves are depleting, and their extraction is becoming increasingly costly and environmentally harmful. The fight against climate change necessitates reducing greenhouse gas emissions, which cannot be achieved without a transition to renewable energy sources. Therefore, market participants face not just the challenge of implementing new technologies; they bear a profound responsibility for the future of energy.

Key Trends in Digital Transformation for the Energy Sector

For now, all digital transformations are focused on operations and finding targeted solutions. We are still at the beginning of a journey that should lead to a radical rethinking of the energy sector. However, we can already observe clear trends that have proven effective in practice. Let’s discuss some of them in more detail.

Key Trends in Digital Transformation for the Energy Sector

Automation in the Energy Sector

Automation involves replacing manual labor at all stages of electricity production, transmission, and distribution. The goal of automation is to enhance the efficiency, safety, resilience, and reliability of energy systems, minimize human factors, and improve real-time energy consumption management.

The implementation of intelligent network management systems in the U.S. has reduced power outages by 44%, which equates to billions of dollars in savings. Among other benefits, it is important to highlight the environmental advantages. Automation helps integrate renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind, into the energy system, improving the management of their variable production and reducing carbon emissions.

Decentralization of Energy

of global investments in energy in 2023 were directed toward decentralized energy projects
International Energy Agency (IEA)

The main advantage is that decentralized energy systems are more resilient to failures. When problems occur in one part of the network (for example, an accident at a large power station), losses can be compensated by numerous smaller sources.

They produce energy and consume it on-site, reducing infrastructure costs and transmission losses. On the other hand, this can lead to inequality in access for certain regions and population groups. There is already a noticeable gap between those who can afford to install solar panels or wind turbines and those who rely on traditional energy production.

Development of IoT for the Energy Sector

The Internet of Things (IoT) in the energy sector represents a network of interconnected devices, sensors, and systems that collect, transmit, and analyze energy data in real-time. Implementing IoT in energy enhances monitoring, management, and forecasting of energy consumption, while also promoting automation and optimization of processes.

Global IOT Energy Market Share by 2024

The energy industry is divided into applications such as smart cities, smart utilities, and the industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). The smart city segment is expected to grow at a significant compound annual growth rate (CAGR). The use of IoT is anticipated to become the new standard practice. Gartner forecasts that by 2030, approximately 50% of all energy companies will utilize IoT for management and forecasting.

Use of AI in the Energy Sector

Artificial intelligence and machine learning are applied for:

  • Forecasting energy demand
  • Optimizing equipment operation modes
  • Predictive maintenance and analysis of large volumes of data

This enhances the efficiency of energy system management and reduces operational costs.

Artificial intelligence analyzes data on consumption of energy production, weather conditions, and the operation of energy systems → activates additional generation sources → optimizes energy flow routes. It can even notify consumers about the need to reduce their load by temporarily shutting down energy-intensive devices (with compensation).

Cloud Computing and the Energy Sector

According to a study by Markets and Markets, the cloud computing market in the energy sector will grow from $5.5 billion in 2020 to $15.5 billion by 2025, demonstrating a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 23%.

We are already seeing successful examples of implementation:

  • General Electric (GE) uses cloud solutions to develop digital twins of energy assets, allowing for simulations and improved equipment performance for power generation.
  • BP has managed to reduce IT infrastructure costs by 30% after migrating to the cloud, enabling more efficient resource allocation for managing renewable energy projects.
  • ExxonMobil utilizes cloud computing for analyzing data on oil and gas production, which helps improve efficiency and reduce CO₂ emissions.

Cloud technologies have become a key element of successful digital transformation in the energy sector, providing flexibility, scalability, and efficiency in IT infrastructure.

The Energy Sector and Blockchain

Let’s examine the main applications of blockchain in the energy sector:

  1. Peer-to-Peer Trading: For example, the Brooklyn Microgrid project in New York allows residents to sell excess solar energy to their neighbors through a blockchain platform. 
  2. Smart Contract Management: The German energy company RWE utilizes the Ethereum blockchain to automate the charging and payment processes for electric vehicles.
  3. Energy Origin Certification: The Australian company Power Ledger has developed a blockchain platform for tracking and trading renewable energy certificates.

Additionally, blockchain technologies enable the creation of digital tokens representing physical energy assets, simplifying investment and management. As technical and regulatory challenges are addressed, broader adoption of this technology is expected, potentially leading to the development of more efficient, transparent, and sustainable energy systems.

Case Study: Wezom - Billing Management System for an Energy Company

A company specializing in electricity and natural gas distribution, serving over a million users, approached us with a classic request: a CMS system for billing.

Previously, the client used off-the-shelf products (like Bitrix24), but for several reasons, they decided not to renew their license. In our opinion, this was a wise decision because:

  • Custom Product Development: Only a custom solution can ensure that the software is tailored to the company's business objectives and unique processes. 
  • User-Friendly Design: With a proprietary CMS, you can implement a UI/UX design that feels comfortable and familiar, significantly reducing the challenges associated with transitioning to a new system.
  • Data Security Assurance: You can be confident in data security, as custom solutions employ fundamentally different approaches to protection and cybersecurity.

Additionally, it was crucial for us to incorporate digital capabilities for future scalability and adaptability, allowing for changes to be made with minimal time and financial investment.

Result: The comprehensive solution with a user-friendly interface enabled the company to:

  • Significantly Reduce Billing Time: Automation of the billing process led to a substantial decrease in the time required to generate invoices.
  • Improve Energy Consumption Accuracy: Enhanced accuracy in tracking energy usage ensured that customers were billed correctly.
  • Enhance Customer Service Quality: The improved system allowed for better customer interactions and support.

These seemingly simple changes resulted in significant optimization of operational processes, enabling the company to handle routine tasks more efficiently.

Oil & Gas
Billing CMS for the Energetic Company
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Billing CMS for the Energetic Company

Challenges of Implementing Digital Transformation in the Energy Sector

Despite the obvious benefits of digital transformation, the implementation of digital technologies in the energy sector faces a number of problems. Let us offer some solutions and measures to eliminate them.

Growing Cybersecurity Threats

Digitalization makes energy systems vulnerable to cyberattacks. The emergence of new connection points, such as IoT devices and cloud solutions, increases the risks of hacking and data theft.  


  • Implement multi-layered security systems, including data encryption, firewalls, and intrusion detection systems.  
  • Conduct regular security audits and penetration testing.  
  • Utilize artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies to detect anomalies and potential threats.  

Scalability of Operations

The implementation of new technologies often requires significant changes to the existing infrastructure, which can be challenging to achieve on a large scale in extensive energy systems.


  • Develop a Phased Digital Transformation Strategy: Establish clear intermediate goals to guide the transformation process and ensure manageable progress.
  • Utilize Modular and Scalable Solutions: These can be gradually integrated into the existing infrastructure, minimizing disruption and allowing for incremental improvements.
  • Implement Cloud Technologies: This ensures flexibility and scalability of the IT infrastructure, allowing energy companies to adapt more easily to changing demands and technologies.

Data Incompatibility

Heterogeneous systems and technologies may struggle to integrate with one another. This issue is compounded by the lack of unified standards and data formats within the industry.


  • Utilize Data Integration Technologies and Middleware: These can help unify disparate systems and facilitate communication between them.
  • Implement Enterprise Data Management Platforms (Enterprise Date energy management) These provide centralized storage and processing of data, improving accessibility and consistency across systems.
  • Employ Semantic Integration Technologies: This ensures data compatibility at the level of meaning, allowing for more effective data sharing and interpretation among different systems.

Compliance with Regulations

The energy sector is subject to strict regulation, which imposes additional constraints on the implementation of innovations and requires adherence to numerous legal acts.

Solution: Active engagement with regulatory authorities to develop appropriate legal frameworks. Participation in regulatory "sandboxes" to test innovative practices in a controlled environment.

Infrastructure Costs

Digital transformation in energy requires significant investments in updating infrastructure, including network solutions, equipment, and software.


  • Develop a long-term energy investment strategy for infrastructure with a clear justification of return on investment (ROI).
  • Utilize government support programs and grants to fund infrastructure modernization.
  • Implement Network Function Virtualization (NFV) technologies to reduce costs associated with physical equipment.

Cultural Resistance to Change

The transition to new technologies requires a shift in corporate culture and management approaches, which may face resistance from employees.


Develop a comprehensive change management program that includes communication, training, and support. Foster an innovative culture through internal entrepreneurship programs and hackathons.


The main aspect we would like to highlight is the overall approach to digital innovations. Companies often attempt to implement tools in a piecemeal fashion, neglecting the importance of a comprehensive transformation of all workflows.

The essential steps you need to take include:

  • Assessing the current state
  • Selecting appropriate technologies
  • Implementing solutions for energy management
  • Adapting the company culture to new conditions

Companies that successfully implement these strategies will not only optimize their operations but also create new business models that meet the needs of the evolving energy landscape. The future of the energy industry has already begun, and how it unfolds depends on each of us.

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  1. What technologies are most promising for the U.S. energy sector? 

   Artificial intelligence, cloud computing, IoT, and blockchain are key technologies that help optimize energy system management and reduce costs.

  1. How does digitalization contribute to achieving carbon footprint reduction goals?  

   Power industry digital transformation helps optimize the operation of energy networks, integrate renewable energy sources, and improve emissions monitoring, which contributes to reducing the carbon footprint.

  1. How long does the digital transformation process typically take in an energy company?  

   The digital transformation process is continuous and can take anywhere from several years to a decade, depending on the size of the company and the depth of the transformation.

  1. How can companies initiate the digital transformation process? 

   Start by analyzing the current infrastructure and identifying priority goals, then move on to selecting technologies that will help achieve those goals most effectively.

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