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Web Development with Scala

Scala is a unique and potent programming language that is used by Scala programmers due to its static typing and hybrid structure that combines both object-oriented and functional programming paradigms.
Web Development with Scala

Key clients

GRATA International
Aptiv PLC
Toyota Material Handling
WEZOM Academy
Delivery Auto
GRATA International
Aptiv PLC
Toyota Material Handling
WEZOM Academy
Delivery Auto
GRATA International
Aptiv PLC
Toyota Material Handling
WEZOM Academy
Delivery Auto

Advantages of Scala

As an innovative technology, Scala, among other things, is a strong, concise, and productive language, which can be seen in Scala use cases and the intricacies of Scala development. 

Scala allows you to build high-performance and scalable apps and has a pretty impressive potential for app developers. 

Advantages of Scala

1. Versatility

In Scala software development, versatility extends beyond app development, making it a go-to choice for a wide range of industries.
Scala's concise syntax and expressive features facilitate quicker development cycles, enabling companies to bring innovative solutions to market faster.
Scala technology seamlessly integrates both object-oriented and functional programming paradigms. This duality allows developers to choose the style that best fits the problem at hand.
Immutability is a key concept in functional programming, and Scala encourages the use of immutable data structures. Immutable data structures can simplify reasoning about code and help prevent certain types of bugs related to mutable states.

Scala Development Process

Static Typing
Interoperability with Java
Functional Collections
Concurrency Support
Static Typing

Static Typing

Interoperability with Java

Interoperability with Java

Functional Collections

Functional Collections

Concurrency Support

Concurrency Support

Our Scala Development Services

In the realm of Scala development at WEZOM, we epitomize excellence, crafting robust and scalable applications with a team of skilled developers. Specializing in leveraging Scala's concise syntax and powerful functional programming features, our services deliver tailored solutions, ensuring a perfect blend of innovation and efficiency.

Skilled Scala Developers
Our team of experienced Scala developers brings expertise to harness the language's power, creating solutions that stand out in terms of robustness and scalability.
Concise Syntax
Leveraging Scala's concise syntax, we streamline the development process, allowing for code that is both expressive and efficient, contributing to increased productivity.
Functional Programming Expertise
With a focus on powerful functional programming features, our Scala development services go beyond conventional coding, enabling the creation of sophisticated and maintainable software solutions.
Tailored Solutions
Beyond mere coding, we forge lasting partnerships by understanding the unique needs of your business. Our commitment extends to delivering Scala solutions that align seamlessly with your goals, ensuring innovation and efficiency in every line of code.
Case Studies
EducationDRAGI: A College Entrance Examination App

We have created a solution for school graduates - a mobile app for preparing for entrance exam.

eCommerceCase: a Voyage App

We were approached by a client who needed to build an application for booking flight tickets and hotels different from competitive ones. Thus, the client decided to go beyond the standard functionality for this solution – in addition to booking capabilities, it should also offer users possible leisure options in a new location. The conceived idea for this additional functionality was intended to be implemented through the introduction of artificial intelligence.

Oil & GasCase: VoltVault

We developed a user-friendly app for iOS and Android that allows customers to manage and monitor their gas accounts.

Logistics (Transportation)DriverQF: HRM platform for logistics service providers

We digitized the processes of driver qualification, compliance, and document flow for transportation companies.

eCommerceLYNQ: a new-generation dating app

We created themed dating app enriched with unique features.

eCommerceShyp-Shyna: New level of eCommerce quality for a tire retailer

A new online store implemented without traffic and SEO sacrifices

Logistics (Transportation)Case: GPS Check-In App

We were approached by a company that needed to monitor personnel’s check-in and check-out moments.

eCommerceINFO: digital ecosystem for a network of online media

From scratch, we developed a large-scale news platform with web resources, a mobile app, and a multi-admin panel.

eCommerceThe Kaztour travel app: case

We created a mobile travel agency app and it was downloaded by more than 35 thousand users.

Logistics (Transportation)Case: TireRoute - Tire Leasing Software

We were approached by enterprise client, the pioneer of tire leasing service in Ukraine. They needed to digitalize their services, which, at the moment of request, was supported by paper documentation only.

EducationCorporate platform WEZOM INFO

We launched a personal cabinet for onboarding, staff education, and recruitment automation.

Oil & GasCase: CRM in ERP

In 2021, we were approached by a client representing a conglomerate of companies in the field of gas and electricity distribution services to develop a custom CRM system. At the time of the first contact, these companies used disparate ready-made software, such as Microsoft Dynamics.

Scala Development by WEZOM

WEZOM offers Scala development services for professionals in different fields to create flexible and versatile products. Our specialists are well-versed in Scala and know how to cover your needs in the best possible ways. Scala is an innovative language and it allows Scala developers to create innovative solutions. Consult us to learn more about our Scala development.

At WEZOM, we recognize that every business is unique, and our Scala development services are tailored to address the specific challenges and opportunities within your industry. Whether you are in finance, technology, healthcare, or any other sector, our experienced specialists harness the power of Scala to create solutions that align seamlessly with your professional requirements. Scala's innovative features, combined with our expertise, ensure that you receive not just products but transformative solutions that propel your business forward. Consult with us to unlock the full potential of Scala development and embark on a journey of innovation and growth.

To Sum It Up

To conclude, Scala's combination of object-oriented and functional programming, interoperability with Java, support for concurrency, and expressive syntax make it a powerful and versatile language. Scala's adoption in industries like finance, technology, and data science by Scala application development companies further emphasizes its importance in the software development landscape.

For companies that use Scala, it has a lot of advantages. Scala is scalable, Scala's design is conducive to developing large-scale applications, making it a preferred choice for projects with evolving requirements. Scala web development is beneficial in many ways, but you still need to consider the individual needs of your company.

Consult us to know more about Scala development as we are glad to offer our relevant knowledge to professionals who are eager to know about Scala. Feel free to contact us, and we will help you navigate the process of Scala development.

In addition to its technical strengths, Scala's vibrant community and the availability of comprehensive libraries contribute to its appeal, fostering continuous innovation and support. Embracing Scala not only empowers companies with scalability and adaptability but also connects them to a dynamic ecosystem that thrives on collaboration and knowledge sharing. Consult with us to harness the full potential of Scala development, as we are dedicated to providing insightful guidance and customized solutions tailored to the unique needs of your projects. Feel free to reach out, and let's embark on a journey of unlocking the full capabilities of Scala for your business success.

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