How to save company's information. Data Security.

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How to save company's information. Data Security.

Data security is what ensures the safe existence of your business as a whole. Logistics analysis and proper management cannot be effective without documents put in order. 

Nowadays, there are a huge number of dangers for company information – from "offended” former employees to data leakage. Needless to say, how many problems can be caused by inefficient ways of data storage. This is why you should think about how to protect your business data in the modern era when it can easily be leaked from the Internet, and how to do it in the most effective way.

It is important to monitor the process of storing and managing documents to prevent data leakage and keep everything under your control. Documents are an essential part of the work of the company as a whole, and the effectiveness of the workflow may depend on how carefully we treat them. Some benefits of data storage services for transportation is that it makes the whole work with documents convenient.

How Data Storage Service Help You Ensure Data Security

Accuracy in documents is much more essential to your work than it might seem at first. Storing company data in one place is not only more convenient, but also more secure. Storing data on various services and programs can be useful for different purposes and does not require much time, but as a result, such handling of documents can lead to data leakage. 

To avoid risks and chaos involving various documents, keep them in one place with the help of specific software. In addition to making it easier for employees to immediately access the information they need, keeping all documents together with a digital tool will help minimize possible financial risks. Data security for logistics is an aspect that ensures years of successful work.

Data Storage In One TMS System

Although it can be difficult to move from storing data on different services to keeping everything in one place, this step is necessary for making the workflow more convenient and productive. At the same time, of course, this process has its drawbacks. Let's take a look at them:

To switch to storing documents on one service, you may need a lot of time and effort to collect all the necessary documents;
Some data may be lost during the transition, so you need to keep track of all the details;
Custom TMS requires investments;
It is not always safe to keep all documents in one place, you may have to look for additional services.

If you successfully move from storing data in different places to using them within the same TMS system, this option will be beneficial for you in terms of convenience. Furthermore, it will help significantly reduce the time and effort spent on working with documents.

The investment made in custom TMS will pay off with the establishment of an efficient workflow, and you can significantly increase the productivity of your efforts and the information security of your company.

Benefits of Storing Data in Custom TMS

One of the most significant advantages of digitalization in the logistics industry is convenience. While keeping all of your documents in one system may not always provide maximum security, it still helps keep things safe. 

In addition, TMS serves is one of the best tools for storing various data. Keeping all the information on different services, you run the risk of becoming involved in bureaucracy and often losing important documents.


One of the most critical features of this system is that it is safe and provides access individually. This means that people outside the company will not have access to your documents, and they are maximally protected from potential hacking attempts and other threats. Such features can be improved to achieve even higher levels of protection, but even the inability to hack your data will help you to be invulnerable to many dangers.

In addition to the fact that your documents will be protected from hacking and leakage, there is a backup option. It is an influential aspect of data security.

The AWS servers used in our custom TMS are owned by Amazon – this is the most powerful server option in the world. You may even be surprised at the level of quality of AWS servers. Thus, all your information is in good hands and can be restored when needed.

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Launch AWS solutions with help of our experts
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The second part of data protection relates to possible espionage and those employees who may have ulterior motives. Custom TMS gives individual access to each of the employees of the company, which determines what he can see and do. A clear distribution of roles in the system helps to increase privacy in your company. An accountant, for example, can only see information that belongs to his professional field.


In addition, the system logs out the user if he has been inactive for more than 30 minutes. Cloning, which allows you to see and log every action, reduces the likelihood of unnecessary trouble. You can see who and when performed a certain action. The soft delete feature makes deletion inactive for a regular user, and only admins can delete something completely.


If there is chaos in your company's documentation, you will not be able to use and work with papers effectively. Thus, you would doom yourself to a large amount of routine work and a possible leakage. That is why keeping track of paperwork is essential, especially for big logistic companies. The future of the logistics industry will require us to make even more progress and even more focus, so good organization is a must.

Custom TMS will not only reduce the number of problems associated with documents, but also make the process of managing them much more convenient for each user. This is an important plus when a company employs many people in different roles. Finally, with a well-established document flow and a high level of security, you can easily put your company's papers in order and be able to use them in further work.

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