Mobile Commerce's Growing Importance on Sales and Shopping Trends

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Mobile Commerce's Growing Importance on Sales and Shopping Trends

When it comes to mobile e-commerce, the future looks pretty bright. In the past few years, mobile shopping has become a standard feature on smartphones and tablets. This shift has opened the door to a new era of online shopping. In fact, the number of online shoppers has nearly doubled in the past few years. In this article we suggest having a look at the growing importance of mobile commerce and the shopping trends that drive this growth.

What is Mobile Commerce?

What is Mobile Commerce?

But first things first, what exactly is m-commerce?

Mobile-commerce (m-commerce) is an emerging form of e-commerce that builds its strategy based on capturing the buyers on mobile devices. Due to the increased number of people using smartphones, m-commerce is becoming more popular. Mobile-commerce has changed the landscape of e-commerce today. The most common platforms used for mobile commerce are Android, Apple Pay, Apple Wallet, PayPal, and Visa Checkout. They allow users to shop online by quickly scanning a QR code or by making an NFC tap contactless payment at retail stores using their smartphones. These platforms have made it possible for consumers to buy goods from any place and have them delivered immediately or pick them up in store with ease.

Why is Mobile e-Commerce Important?

The huge attention to mobile-commerce stems from its potential to radically transform the e-commerce landscape. The first effect that mobile-commerce had on the e-commerce industry was that it made online shopping more convenient. With the introduction of mobile phones, people could buy goods and services from anywhere at any time. The second effect of mobile-commerce on e-commerce is the new opportunities it introduced for marketers to identify new customers. With the introduction of enterprise mobile applications for many online stores it has become easier for marketers to understand who their customers are and what they want to better target them with advertising.

5 Facts About Mobile Commerce in 2022

Check out this article from Stamped that talks about 10 Ecommerce Trends Redefining Your Marketing Strategy in 2024!

Mobile makes it easy to access your e-commerce store

Mobile makes it easy to access your e-commerce store

Mobile commerce is a way for consumers to access your e-commerce store from anywhere. This includes shopping at home, on the go, waiting for an appointment, or even standing in line.  Mobile devices connect to the internet seamlessly. This means that you can connect with your customer no matter where they are. With mobile commerce, you can make sure that they’re still able to buy what they need and want from you. Mobile commerce also makes it easy for consumers to research what they want before buying it. They can do this by scrolling through various products and reading up on descriptions and reviews.  Consumers are more likely to buy something when they know exactly what it is beforehand and how much it costs. In fact, 65% of people said that m-commerce helped them make a purchase decision more easily.

Mobile payments are taking off

Mobile payments are the future of commerce. We’ve seen this with the success of Apple Pay and PayPal, two popular services that allow you to make purchases with a click of a button. However, this is just the beginning. As we move into an increasingly digital world, people want to be able to buy goods and services on their phones as well. The rise in mobile payment applications has also made it easier for consumers to complete transactions on their smartphones. This means that people will have more options when they’re making purchases online or in-store.

Consumers want convenience when shopping

Online shopping is convenient for consumers. And, it’s easy to use mobile devices to purchase goods and services from the comfort of your home. Plus, as people continue to spend more time on their phones, they are becoming more comfortable with making purchases on their phone. This is especially true for mobile commerce, because people can now make purchases from anywhere. The convenience and accessibility of mobile commerce has made it a popular way for customers to shop.

Consumers want brands to provide more personalization

Consumers want brands to provide more personalization in the products they purchase. And one way to do this is by creating a personalized shopping experience. With mobile commerce, you can offer a personalized experience for your consumers. For example, if someone uses your app to buy a new pair of shoes, you could automatically put that person on an email list for upcoming shoe releases. This type of personalization makes it easier for customers to find what they’re looking for.

Brands need to embrace omnichannel strategies

Although it’s tempting to focus on one shopping platform, there are benefits of adopting an omnichannel strategy. When you do so, you can improve your customer experience. Businesses that offer a seamless transition from in-person to online shopping and vice versa have seen higher conversion rates and increased sales.

5 Mobile Commerce Trends That You'll Be Seeing Everywhere This Year

The world has become obsessed with online shopping. People trust the internet to buy anything they want, anytime they want. People don’t have time to waste. They want the best of everything at the touch of a button. This new reality of customer behavior shift to mobile commerce means that retailers have to get their mobile strategies right and try to stand out. That’s why everyone talks about ecommerce mobile trends now. What shall we expect in 2022 and further?

Mobile E-Commerce Platforms

These days, it's not enough for a mobile e-commerce platform to offer just one or two mobile features. Many of the top mobile e-commerce platforms now offer features such as in-app chat, in-app surveys, geofencing, and push notifications.

Customer Service Chatbots

Customer Service Chatbots

One of the most innovative features that many e-commerce companies are experimenting with is customer service chatbots. In a recent study, Klaviyo found that customers who were assisted by chatbots spent 93 percent more than those who were assisted by humans. Brands like Warby Parker and Oakley have seen great success using this feature to help customers in a simpler and faster way. Customer service chatbots can be used for anything from answering simple questions to providing more complex assistance around product returns or even helping with style selections. They’re particularly helpful as they can provide 24/7 support and will never get tired or frustrated when responding to questions.

Augmented Reality for E-Commerce

Augmented reality (AR) is one of the newest and hottest mcommerce trend. It is a live, direct or indirect, view of a physical, real-world environment whose elements are augmented by computer-generated sensory input such as sound, video, graphics or GPS data. This technology will allow customers to see how the furniture they just bought at Ikea would look in their living room before they buy it. It will also help people visualize what their new home would look like with specific furniture in it before they buy it. Adidas is an example of a company that has started using AR for its e-commerce store on both mobile and desktop platforms.

Virtual and Augmented Reality for B2B Marketing

Virtual and augmented reality (AR) are evolving at a rapid pace. Earlier this year, eBay announced that it is using AR to allow buyers to visualize the items they are purchasing in their own homes. The company used a new tool called "Visual Search." With this tool, buyers can virtually place objects of interest into their living rooms and see how they would look with their existing furniture or décor. Augmented Reality (AR) provides an opportunity for B2B marketers to provide customers with a realistic experience of their products before they purchase them. For example, a company selling computers could show customers how their computer would fit in the customer's office space before they make the ultimate decision to buy.

Voice Commerce

Voice commerce has been around for a while, but according to research firm Gartner, it’s only now just starting to make its way onto mobile. The idea is simple: you talk, and your mobile device translates what you say into text. In the past year or two, voice-enabled assistants have emerged as an important part of our everyday lives. For example, Amazon’s Alexa, Apple’s Siri and Google Home are all competing to get you to do more with your voice than ever before. And with that competition comes some innovation in the world of voice-based ordering and shopping. Consumers can use their voice to shop from the comfort of their homes without lifting a finger.

Advantages of Mobile E-Commerce

Advantages of Mobile E-Commerce

Retailers have recognized the potential for mobile e-commerce and acted fast to embrace it. There are many advantages of mobile e-commerce, but one of the most significant is that it can be used in a variety of situations. Mobile devices are everywhere, which means they're always close at hand. This makes mobile devices a convenient option for impulse buying or last minute purchases. 

Another major advantage of mobile e-commerce is that it's usually quicker than online shopping on a desktop computer. Mobile e-commerce is more likely to offer information in snippets rather than paragraphs and lists as seen with desktop websites. This allows consumers to quickly find what they need without spending time navigating pages and scrolling through content. As well, because there's no cumbersome keyboard or mouse to use, you can browse products faster on your phone than you could on a computer.

In addition, mobile e-commerce offers an interactive user experience and allows customers to engage with brands in ways not possible before. People can "pin" items for later purchase or start an email conversation with a customer service representative from their phone during checkout. Mobile e-commerce helps retailers make better connections with customers at all stages of their journey.

Disadvantages of Mobile E-Commerce

One disadvantage of mobile e-commerce is that in certain cases it has a lower conversion rate than desktop e-commerce. Some believe that consumers are less likely to convert to a purchase on their phone or tablet. This is due in part to the smaller screen size and lack of ability to easily compare products. As the screens get larger, this will change and the conversion rates will increase. 

Lower CR level has been indeed a challenge, some companies may still experience it. However, with the growing trend of online-stores to create their own app that collects and saves customer preferences, sizes, viewed items, history of purchases, this is no longer a challenge. Quite the opposite, it turned out to be so successful that it increased the average check and increased the amount of returning buyers.

Is Mobile E-Commerce Right for Your Business?

Is Mobile E-Commerce Right for Your Business?

Many merchants are turning to mobile e-commerce as a way to provide an enhanced customer experience. With mobile e-commerce, the user can make purchases and manage their accounts on any device with internet connection. Additionally, the benefits of having an app for your business are undeniable. For example, using location data in your app can help you reach customers in specific areas and remind them about relevant deals. The convenience and cost benefits of shopping online on your phone or tablet are too good to pass up, so this trend isn’t going to change anytime soon. As a business owner, it’s important to stay committed to providing an excellent mobile experience for your customers and prospects so that you can continue capturing a large share of this market. 

Thus, if you have an online retail business, you should definitely make mobile commerce a part of your strategy if you don’t want to lose a significant share of the market.

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