X-ray Soft - application for the Healthcare industry

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Applications for the Healthcare industry

In 2022, the issue of digitizing is the most relevant and increasingly popular in many companies in different industries – from Education and Medicine to Fintech and Government.

A company in the medical industry that specializes in the manufacture of medical devices is no exception. According to the rules of NDA, we can not disclose the company’s name, but the joint project results are worth the attention of other manufacturers of medical equipment. 

If the client has a request – we respond and create a great project in 6 months. WEZOM has numerous client cases, and now we have a new one in the medical industry. Let's see what we found out and what results in we achieved. 

Where the idea came from 

In early 2022, a medical device company decided to update its existing software, which worked directly with X-ray machines. 

At that time, the company already had software that managed some functions but didn’t provide enough work performance. It changed the application several times, working first with a custom solution and then with Korean software, provided with fluoroscopy machines.  According to the statistics, there are over 205,689 x-ray technicians currently employed in the United States. So the use of x-ray technologies is popular and relevant in every country today. 

Ended up, the company decided to get a new custom software with a data transfer function from the X-ray machines to the desktop application. The software was supposed to perform a number of important functions that would help medical facilities do their tasks more quickly, have access to unique analytics, and provide a platform for communication within the clinic or hospital staff. 

One of the reasons why the company thought about developing its own software was the idea of selling X-ray machines together with out-of-the-box software. It was also critical to have an interface in a specific language that was not available in the previous software the company had used. 

Client’s needs
The client critically needed this software to perform numerous functions. 

First, it must be a local software that receives images in RAW format, and then along with the information received from the lab technician outputs it in DICOM format.

Also, the local server should always be sent to another server to store a copy. The most significant need for this software was to facilitate the work of doctors, laborants, and patients. In some countries, only x-ray machines in 2022 still require digital automation. In many hospitals and clinics, fluoroscopy results are given on a printout, while patient data is recorded manually by a lab technician on another document. All these processes are not practical or convenient. Therefore, the software was designed for laboratory technicians, who manage the fluoroscopy procedure. 

Second, the company wanted the program to have as simple an interface as possible. 

Since lab technicians usually use only touchscreen controls when using the program, a simple and straightforward interface was needed. Also, the essential fact that should affect the interface is that the application would also be used by people of different ages, including the elderly. Therefore, the simpler the control, the better. 

Thirdly, one of the most important requirements from the functionality is the collection of information into dashboards with analytics.

All the information received in the input should eventually be formed into analytics in the form of tables so that you can easily keep statistics on the most frequent fractures (as an example). The software should also be easy to integrate into the International Healthcare System.

The work on the software and its subsequent expansion had several stages at once. With the first step of integration of the app, we could test the success of the software, to the last, where the company could analyze and collect the information obtained. Let's consider all these stages in the block below. 

How WEZOM found the solution 

After careful research, it was decided to work and develop the application for the company in three main stages. 

The first stage was to create a desktop application for lab technicians.

The procedure of accepting information, searching for a patient card in the system, and attaching a file with the results of the examination had to be automated first. This stage was also a test phase to test the operation of the application.

The second step was to develop an app for doctors so that the software could easily identify conclusions without printing analysis results and procedure results. 

If we talk about the technical part of the project, the main requirement was to create software on a DICOM server. DICOM – (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) is a special format for creating and saving medical documents. 

WEZOM used the next technologies for creating such a platform:

  • Java
  • Kotlin
  • TornadoFX
  • OpenJFX
  • H2
  • Java RMI
  • Install4J
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As far as Java is a reliable instrument to make a portable, distributed platform, WEZOM used it most in this project. About 8 people took part in this project. A team, that consists of:

  • Business Analyst
  • Systems architect
  • Java Developer 
  • UX Designer
  • UI Designer 
  • DevOps
  • QA Engineers
  • Project Manager

Where to try the soft? 

Applications for the Healthcare industry are very popular at the moment.

Optimization of work processes in hospitals and clinics is a good opportunity to speed up workflow for medical staff, as well as to reduce queues in clinics.

If you decided to order a custom application with similar functionality as the one above or if you want to order this app for further resale, then contact WEZOM experts. We will provide a quality analysis of your needs to find the best approach to the development of your software. 

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