AI and Fleet Management

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7 min

Artificial intelligence and related technologies have long been used in the transportation industry, both to obtain advanced analytical capabilities and to implement highly intelligent solutions for real-time object recognition and traffic enforcement. Below, we will consider in more detail all the benefits of AI in fleet management processes and also check the basic case of implementing an AI-driven fleet management system.

Artificial Intelligence: What Is It and How It Works

Artificial intelligence is a complex of software algorithms designed to collect and analyze certain patterns and, based on them, predict what will happen in the future.

Unlike business analytics, artificial intelligence does not require specific input data from the users to solve the tasks – instead, it knows in advance what result is expected and automatically analyzes the factors influencing this result.

With the help of AI, it is possible to identify the causes of certain events and predict their consequences, and this is only one of dozens of tasks that it can perform. The next great thing about using AI is the speed of processing huge amounts of data – no alternative software solution will be able to analyze thousands of parameters so quickly to get the most accurate result in a couple of moments.

As for fleet management, AI can significantly contribute to saving fuel costs, route planning, identifying the need for technical inspection, and even driver safety during voyages.

AI and Onboard Cameras

Computer vision, being one of the most promising areas of AI, is now actively used in smart video recorders. In particular, such devices are capable of analyzing the situation on the road like human intelligence and, based on the findings obtained, make (or help drivers make) specific decisions. Their installation significantly reduces the risks of accidents and fines associated with violation of traffic rules.

In this regard, transportation companies have the opportunity to reduce costs associated with eliminating the consequences of these incidents.

ai-powered fleet-management software market

An additional advantage of AI-based on-board cameras is the ability to monitor the behavior of drivers on the road over a certain period of time and, thus, identify those whose driving behavior is dangerous. Thanks to these opportunities, transportation companies can effectively select the best employees (drivers) for their staff without putting their fleet, cargo, and, of course, reputation at risk.

Real Time Analytics

Analytical AI solutions can be used to predict the future and identify existing problems that transportation companies regularly face. 

In particular, thanks to their deep analytical capabilities, covering enormous volumes of disparate data, their implementation can optimize fuel consumption, as well as eliminate the misuse of vehicles. In addition, in force majeure situations, such software ensures automatic connection to company managers to provide instant assistance to drivers (call a tow truck, rescue service, ambulance, police, etc.).

What Other Benefits Will You Get From the AI-Powered Fleet Management Software

Now let's move from specific cases of use of artificial intelligence to general ones, identifying the key advantages of implementing AI-powered solutions.

benefits of ai fleet management

Reduces Vehicle Downtime

AI fleet management solutions can provide transportation company managers with visibility and instant access to key data for each vehicle fleet unit in real time. This approach allows them to implement predictive maintenance scenarios to prevent in-transit breakdowns and downtime due to the inability to use a faulty track on a predetermined schedule.

Improves Driver Safety

DVRs and on-board cameras based on AI are independent devices with in-depth analytical capabilities. At the same time, you can also implement a centralized AI-based software solution and connect it to existing traditional DVRs using Internet of Things technologies. In this case, your end-to-end fleet management solution will collect data from these devices, analyze it, and provide your managers and/or drivers with specific conclusions and recommendations. 

Whatever AI strategy you follow, its tasks will be the same: to help drivers maintain safe behavior on the road (avoid speeding, falling asleep, distraction, etc.). In this way, you will not only achieve a reduction in accident cases and their consequences but also be able to develop the best driving practices for your staff.

AI Improves Driver Privacy

AI-powered fleet-management software market can also provide companies with increased safety of drivers' private data – both during and after work hours. For example, it can be involved in network security solutions, identifying network anomalies long before they have time to cause real damage to corporate information.

AI Helps Fleet Managers Automate Back Office Tasks

Thanks to the instant recording of data and analytical conclusions obtained on its basis, fleet managers can devote more time to non-trivial work tasks, thereby significantly increasing their productivity and reducing all kinds of risks associated with the human factor. In the long term, this automation allows transportation companies to scale without having to expand their office staff.

saas fleet management with ai

What Your AI-powered Fleet Management Platform Will Look Like

Finally, we suggest considering what intelligent features the average AI powered fleet management software for truck drivers can be equipped with.

  • Analytics and statistics. Custom software can be enriched with an AI-based analytical panel that displays critical data in real time and generates useful recommendations and conclusions based on it (for example, troubleshooting problems, optimizing processes, etc.).
  • Route planning. AI opens up extensive opportunities for intelligent route planning, minimizing the likelihood of idling in traffic jams and also taking into account the location of intermediate stopping points and partner fuel stations.
  • Monitoring the current location of drivers on the road. With the help of AI, managers in transportation companies will be able to more effectively monitor driver behavior during trips and, thereby, prevent fraud, misuse of trucks, and much more.
  • Flight management and scheduling. AI provides intelligent flight planning, determining the highest priority tasks, the workload level of a particular driver, as well as intermediate stopping points.
  • Video analytics. Finally, your AI software solution can analyze video recordings, highlighting those that pose potential risks to your company (like traffic accidents, use of company resources for personal purposes, and so on).


We hope that we have helped you understand the main advantages of implementing AI in fleet management and also contributed to the decision to create a custom product to optimize work tasks in your transportation company. If you are looking for a team to bring your business idea to life, feel free to contact us.

We will apply our best practices in creating fleet AI solutions for automating processes within your company to create a product that will take your company to new heights.

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