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Software development life cycle majorly deals with correlating standard business procedures to constructing software applications. This cycle has been divided into eight steps which are scheduling, regulations, layout, structure, document, test, deploy, and retain. What project managers do is that they look at the project they are dealing with and know if they require all the proper steps or if they need to remove some steps.
Without SDLC, the development process will not be a success. The cycle assists various managers to be able to maximise efficiency at every stage. When things like computing power heighten, the demand for software and developers increases. A company must know when they will reduce cost, deliver software quicker and meet their customer's needs.
How the software development cycle works
The main work of the software development cycle is to outline every task needed to put together a software request. With this, things like waste are reduced leading to a boost in the efficiency of the development technique. Surveying also makes sure the project is moving in the right way to impact the firm positively. If the steps look too ambiguous, you could subdivide them into smaller units. Planning can also be broken into automation studies, commerce analysis and a cost-benefit survey. You could decide to use each step sparely or put them together. For example, the testing phase can be merged with the development phase since developers need to deal with errors during testing.
Stages of the Software development cycle
There are various types of software development phases, and we are going to discuss them so that we can understand them better;
1. Planning stage
There are various phases of SDLC and they are worth looking into. When you have a project that you are working on, you need to have a good strategy planned out to know the purpose of your project. The things that are looked into at this stage are the goals, costs and the team's structure, and there is also some room for the developers, team and stakeholders to air their views.
After planning the team goes to the application stage.
2. Examination and definition of statutes
At this stage you need to know what requirements must be met. At this particular stage, the agency and developers develop a software requirement specification manuscript. This specific manuscript described the software's purpose and anticipated performance. It also includes the functionalities that the application is required to offer. Once the requirements have been defined, the layout of the UI and UX of the request will be more available.
3. Design
This particular stage is a preamble to the code phase. At this particular stage the developers focus on architecture and programming together with putting together the programming language and techniques to solve issues and performing certain tasks. Also at this phase, an individual with the whole entire team, comes together to come up with the user interface and select the platform on which the software will be operating. In this stage some problems such as how will use passwords and data be secured? And how will the software be safeguarded?
At this stage, most firms decide to construct a prototype. This is a great way to check how the features are working to know if there is any form of improvement needed. Once you have come up with the UX prototype you need to know how it works first.

4. Software development
The software development stage is the actual writing of the program. Before you write the program, the company needs to know if the program is a single program or a large program. If it is an extensive program, it requires a team, but if it is a single program, an individual can handle It. For this phase, you must use an access control or source code management application. When you have this system, the agency will be able to track a code and change it where needed. When this is looked into, the service provided is always accurate and safe.
The coding process also involves several things and developers are required to work as a team to deal with the glitches in the codes. In this process you have to wait for the code to respond so that the application can run smoothly. In this stage, developers could document how the application is running to be on the safe side.
5. Testing
Once you have a complicated application, you need to test it first before you make it accessible to them and most tests are usually automated. In contrast, others are carried out on specific grounds. When you are testing the application, you want to know if the application is working well or not. The essence of this phase is to make sure there are no bugs and glitches in your application. This must be a custom in every firm if they want clients to come back to their firm.
6. Development
In this particular phase the application is usually accessible to the user, and many firms typically decide to automate this phase. This is simply adding a payment portal or putting up a link on your company's website. It could be the process of downloading an application on your phone. Deployment can also be a difficult task, mainly when it involves the upgrading of a company's database to a new one since there are other systems involved in this process.
7. Procedures and maintenance
This phase is kind of the last stage of the software development phase as the application is already released and being used. This stage is very vital because users end up noticing bugs and glitches that were not spotted in the testing stage, and when they are noticed, they need to be looked into with immediate effect. For it to work out a new development scheme needs to be developed.
When creating software, you need to use the software development life cycle phases so that your software ends up being perfect and not having several issues. As a developer, make sure you go through all the phases, not omitting any.