Two Driver Certification Programs to Improve Your Fleet's ROI

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Two Driver Certification Programs to Improve Your Fleet's ROI

Professional certification is expected and renowned in almost all industries, and the motor sector is not an exemption. The proper accreditation is used to enhance and establish an individual's career, increasing their chances of coming along with new opportunities. 

Workers continue to express a growing demand for certification and education, which is not different in the fleet management world. Staying updated can boost your career, and the best way to do this is by knowing what the right fleet management software can do for your organization. 

To enable organizations to exceed their employee expectations, we have compiled a list of driver certifications to enhance the fleet's ROI. 



CAFM stands for certified automotive fleet manager certification. It is a self-study program that enables you to train as a fleet manager. It is one of the best certifications today and is well-regarded. However, you must pass the following disciplines to get your certification;

  • Asset management - procurement, selection, and your vehicle's upkeep
  • Business management - is a broad-level technique that interacts with other enterprises, proposal management, and knowing all the regulations and guidelines. 
  • Financial management - entails leasing, buying, reimbursing, and budgeting. Anything to do with the accounting department is available here.
  • Maintenance management helps manage vehicles, manage the maintenance staff, and handle the inventory and rules that come along with operating a fleet.
  • Information management - entails data analysis, telematics, and the information and skills needed to collaborate with IT people.
  • Professional development - covers general concerns like communications, leadership, and ethics of having a vehicle fleet

It is possible to access CAFM by enrolling online, and you can only complete testing for it by getting at least 70%. The main benefits of CAFM are that it has a vast knowledge of the fleet field activities and other fleet management areas you should know. 

NATMI Certification

The NATMI certification is available in the following certifications;

  • Certified Director of Safety - the CDS coursework focuses on all sections of the flee safety like designing the safety program, employing safety-conscious workers, and mitigating accident costs. 
  • Certified Director of Equipment - this certification teaches the basics like personnel management. However, it also elaborates more on managing fleet data and taking advantage of preventive maintenance. This certification also entails a complete cost on being the best cost-containment strategies with diverse aims like calculating ROIs. 
  • Certified Safety Supervisor - this certification resembles the CDM in its focus but needs half the coursework. Here, candidates only need three years of experience. 
  • Certified Driver Trainer - mainly focuses on what to teach new drivers and what you will teach them. It is described as the "train-the-trainer" approach that enables you to design objectives, present them effectively, and lesson planning. It also allows you to practice these lessons while in the course. 
  • Certified Cargo Security Professional - is a vast range of work that benefits your fleet industry. It covers things like hazmat to keep your enterprise running effectively. 

Top Benefits of Driver Training

Top Benefits of Driver Training

Ensuring your drivers have the right skills to operate your company’s vehicle is key to promoting the organization's success and employee safety. The fleet manager's responsibility is to make sure their drivers are safe on the road. 

It is usually tempting to shun courses that take your driver's attention while driving, but the value of spending time on your steering wheel is incalculable. Driver training enables the drivers to have a better look at the roads and position themselves to give them ample time to react to different situations. 

Let us dive right into the top benefits of driver training. 

1. Real-Time Feedback

Having a professional expert in the passenger's seat causes a significant difference for learning drivers. An experienced instructor will identify the driver's blind spots, strengths, and weaknesses and help them overcome them. 

Drivers who feel supported during their development feel more satisfied and happier than the rest. 

2. Applied Scenarios and Skills

The main difference between a behind-the-wheel and a stimulated course is that simulated courses model real-life instances. The driver interacts with the actual conditions in behind-the-wheel training, and the ability to explore different scenarios will turn them into new habits. Handling the unpredictable traffic, weather, and other requirements in real-time will enhance the driver's confidence when cruising alone.

3. Reduced Crashes and Fatalities

Reduced Compliance and Liability Costs

The worst scenario for drivers is accidents that cause death. However, most accidents are preventable with the proper guidelines. Blind spots, reversing, and lane changes are the leading causes of traffic, and they can be prevented using better training. 

Most crashes occur due to distracted or reactive driving, and they happen when drivers lack the time and space to react to a situation calmly. These drivers instead make haste decisions that might have disastrous results. 

Behind-the-wheel coaching makes the driver feel more confident while driving and react to emergencies better. 

4. Reduced Compliance and Liability Costs 

Accidents on the job cost money and affect lives. After employees get accidents, the main things that occur are potential liability and life-threatening injuries.

In America, motor vehicle accidents cost employers over $50 billion annually in legal expenses, medical bills, and lost productivity. A typical crash costs the employers over $25000, and the number can shoot up if there is an injury and worse when there is a fatality. 

Also, insurance premiums can shoot up incredibly after an accident. However, a safe driver is less likely to get engaged in an accident. The time and resources your organization invests in these training courses will save lives and money eventually. 

Compliance penalties can also cause your organization a lot of money and might destroy its brand. Drivers who do not know the DOT audit pose a considerable risk to themselves and other road users. Driver training is crucial since it enables companies to reduce unwanted costs. 

5. Customer Trust

Customers who depend on organizations to deliver their products pick the best, and proper driver training is critical.

Final Thoughts 

Final Thoughts

Training your drivers to handle your fleet is essential and has many advantages like keeping the driver and other road users safe. The above article has discussed the top driver certification programs to enhance your fleet's ROI, and you can contact us for more.

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