DRAGI: A College Entrance Examination App

DRAGI: A College Entrance Examination App

We have created a solution for school graduates - a mobile app for preparing for entrance exam.



Preparing for admission to a university has always been a challenge for any student. The client approached us with an idea for a startup that had been in the air for a long time: to create an app for competitive exams preparation to make learning productive and exciting.

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Goals and objectives

We developed a mobile solution that offers students a gamified and personalized learning experience

implemented a cross-platform mobile application for exam preparation;
built a unique UX based on gamified elements and interactive author's content;
created a learning planner and algorithms for the adaptive difficulty of students' tasks.
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An innovative mobile application for exam preparation, a full-fledged tutor in a smartphone

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Personalized learning experience

Students choose the purpose of their lessons individually and create their own schedules. The task difficulty is adapted to the user's level of knowledge.

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Users receive "DRAGI tokens" for completing tasks and compete with each other in a rating system.

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Reels format

A unique format for presenting lessons and tasks in the short video format. It's similar to TikTok, but much more useful.

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NextGen school education

The DRAGI's release in the App Store and Google Play was successful as it has no similar apps for various competitive exams on the market. This application attracted more attention from schoolchildren and teachers than other apps for competitive exams as it was fully adapted to a new educational reform.

Now, the team is working on DRAGI's new functionality and features not included in the release version: improving the rating system, integrating an AI-based chatbot, implementing a referral system, and the like. This startup's story is just beginning.

Project manager
Frontend Developer
QA Engineer
Backend Developer
Mobile developers
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