We created a mobile AI assistant with a healthy diet tracker.

A client approached us with a startup idea: to develop a user-friendly app for monitoring nutrition that helps users improve their diet and break bad habits. The available calorie and nutrition trackers on the market were too limited for this purpose.
We came up with the name NutriTrack for our portfolio, as the client's brand is protected by an NDA.

Developed a unique mobile platform that helps users control their nutrition:

Multipurpose nutrition tracking app — personalized and convenient

Users can log their meals using a dedicated screen. The interface is designed for minimal text input, making it easy to record meals quickly.

The new nutrition monitoring app is integrated with APIs such as Edamam Nutrition Analysis and Nutritionix. It can analyze the user's log to determine the amount of calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates consumed;

The application creates an individual meal plan for the user, with dietary recommendations and a schedule. APIs with artificial intelligence are used for this: Spoonacular and Tasty.

The launch of NutriTrack on the App Store was a huge success. In just a month and a half since the release, the app has been downloaded by over 50,000 users. The Android version will be launched soon, which will further accelerate the app's audience growth.
In the meantime, the development team is already working on the first major update for the system. Very soon, NutriTrack will feature a fully integrated AI chatbot that would consult users through live conversations.