DriverQF: HRM platform for logistics service providers

DriverQF: HRM platform for logistics service providers

We digitized the processes of driver qualification, compliance, and document flow for transportation companies.


Transportation Compliance

Transportation Compliance offers consulting services for US-based logistics companies seeking help with finding, assessing the qualification, and hiring drivers. Namely, the client requested us to digitize the candidate qualification process, turning it into a handy online service for carriers.

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Goals and objectives

To create an SaaS platform for driver qualification and paperwork management in logistics companies.

implement a web app with an online form for potential drivers;
develop a convenient HRM admin panel for transportation company managers;
build a centralized system for the monitoring of DOT compliance and paperwork of all drivers in the carrier's fleet;
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Development of a complex HRM system tailored to the logistics business specifics

Technology used
Apollo Client
Material UI
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New driver qualification mechanism

A web app for driver candidates features a convenient 12-step job application form which enables the service to autonomously collect all necessary data and documents.

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Mobile version

Designers and developers put special focus on the solution's mobile version, creating an easy-to-navigate UX accessible to any kind of user.

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Documentation and compliance management

Drivers can create individual user accounts storing all required documents. The system will timely notify a driver about outdated drivers licenses, certificates, etc.

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A convenient SaaS service for logistics staff management

Although DriverQF was initially released as an MVP, it has since grown into a full-featured HRM system for the transportation industry. Businesses can use the platform through subscription, handling a range of crucial tasks, like:

  • receiving and processing job applications via smartphone;
  • facilitating the drivers' qualification process
  • centralizing management of safety documents
  • monitoring each driver's documentation for timely updates

The client currently has tons of plans for further expansion of the solution, so we will continue developing it up until the level of a complex HR ecosystem.

Project manager
Frontend Developer
UX/UI Designers
Business Analyst
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