Choosing Transport Management Software

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Choosing Transport Management Software

Since recently, logistics companies have actively started to implement transport logistic software into their processes. Subsequently, the number of options to pick from began to grow. To choose the perfect solution for your company, you need to pay attention to its functionality, the ability to integrate and exchange data with your existing systems, security, and, of course, cost. Pick a partner only if you are satisfied with each of these aspects.     

What are the options?

development options

There are three main options for a TMS logistics software source: an on-premises TMS, a cloud-based TMS, and a custom logistics solution. Let's take a closer look at each.

Buy an on-premises TMS

local TMS

An on-premise software for transport company is a solution that you buy and install on your hardware.

The functionality is different for each supplier, often there is an opportunity to customize it, but this usually entails constant calls to technical support.

Data exchange with such a solution requires exporting it from one system and importing it into another, and perhaps even reformatting. 

The system is protected from external attacks, but any failure to your hardware can cause a data loss.

The price of such solutions varies, but it does not promise the updates, customization, and further expansion of your company. If you are looking for a custom logistics software, expect to pay more.

Use a cloud-based TMS

cloud based tms

Cloud solutions have become an excellent alternative to stationary solutions. You don't need to install anything, buy a subscription and use it online.

Packages usually provide a variety of features, and you can choose the ones that suit your needs. However, a software that covers your needs in terms of functionality carries a lot of other additional features your business doesn’t need. The cumbersomeness creates confusion which makes it difficult to navigate the tools you need. 

It is possible to integrate such solutions with other software, but finding solutions that coincide with the data format in your cloud solution can be a hustle.

The provider of your cloud TMS is responsible for security. In case of a hardware failure, you can restore everything you need. But the service is used by many users simultaneously, so you need to increase your data protection.

The cost of such solutions increases with each expansion of the subscription.

Custom logistics app development

custom logistics app development

Individual transportation software development will provide you with precisely the functionality your company needs to solve its business problems.

Thus, you can create a tool that will immediately integrate with all of your other solutions and use data of the same type.

A transportation software development company always pays special attention to the security and safety of your data, so there’s no need to worry about unexpected hacks, failures, and data leaks.

The cost of individual solutions varies and depends on many factors but pays off in the first year of use.

Required capabilities for each TMS

custom tms

Whichever solution you choose, it must contain certain functions:

  • calculation of the cost of transportation;
  • vehicle loading scheduling;
  • route mapping;
  • cargo tracking.

Advanced TMS modules 

advanced tms modules

In addition to the basic functionality, the software for your transport company can be broader and contain:

  • warehouse management system (WMS);
  • customer feedback;
  • communication with the truck driver;
  • integration with other systems;
  • order management system.

Choose solutions that will benefit you and help you scale your business.

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