Let's start with a quick statistics fact:
- In Mexico, 56% of all trucking goes to supplies delivery
- In the USA, 73%, of all trucking goes to supplies delivery
Which makes truckers one of the most popular jobs in 2022. Transportation is now the engine that supports the economy in a country. The more developed the trucking industry in the country is, the higher the economic indicators, among other things.
This demand places a lot of responsibility on truck drivers for freight transportation. Getting the cargo in one piece and on time is not the only challenge they face. Another priority for every driver is to adhere to safety rules and keep themselves and other drivers alive. Different incidents happen on the road, and an experienced driver knows how to handle different situations.
Below, we've compiled 4 safety tips for truck drivers to help them stay safe while behind the wheel.
Tip #1. While loading
The first and most obvious advice for safe truck driving is to keep your car in good condition. In an article about the most common causes of accidents, we mentioned that car breakdown are the leading cause of road accidents. Check your car every time before you go on a trip.
Furthermore, before you go, think in great detail about your route. Knowing exactly where you will stop and refuel, you will save not only time but also your budget. The TMS app can help you in planning your route to make a complete safety for truck drivers.

Tip #2. On the Road
There are also a few safe driving tips for truckers on the road that will help keep a better eye on the situation:
- 7-second rule. To avoid accidents, count down 7 seconds from the point of the car in front of you to avoid a collision (especially if you are caught in traffic).
- Learn your blind spots. Identify your car's blind spots, so you can be alert at any time.
- Check your mirrors. Look at your mirrors every 10 seconds to better control traffic near your car.
- In the parking lot. After you've parked your car, inspect it, so you can notice breakdowns, if any, right away.
- Smart Camera for Truck. This smart camera will help drivers follow the road with them. For example, the camera will warn you if you get too close to another car. The device also warns you about all the signs on the road, as well as about speeding. Great for drivers who spend a lot of time on the road, as the camera helps keep your attention.
Tip #3. Check the Weather
Yes, this is pretty obvious advice, but always check the weather forecast for the time you are planning your trip. This will help you better prepare for the weather conditions on the road. Also, don't forget to bring an emergency first aid kit with you so you can administer it if necessary.
Tip #4. Safety Problems
According to a recent report from the National Chamber of Mexican Trucking (CANACAR), only 12 percent of all attacks on truckers are non-violent. Because of this, drivers need to be trained and prepared for the possibility of an attack on the road. In this regard, we recommend the following training:
Basic training for self-defence. Drivers who carry the most vulnerable cargo need to be prepared for unexpected situations on the road and know how to protect themselves. In doing so, basic tools for self-defence can be used.
Anti-jamming. Attackers use a device that jams GPS communications. Anti-jamming does help to detect these devices and makes it difficult to steal the car.
In Conclusion
Foreseeing all contingencies on the road is difficult, and sometimes even impossible. But good preparation with all these truck safety tips minimizes all kinds of risks and leaves a better chance that the delivery of cargo will go safely. Don't neglect your safety, as it's one of the most important factors when travelling.