Implementation of a CRM system

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Implementation of a CRM system

CRM system is a tool for working with clients. It helps to manage databases, track sales, delegate tasks among employees and makes communication with customers straightforward and effective. The advantages experienced from CRM system implementation cannot be overstated. It is suitable for both small businesses and large corporate companies. We will tell you how CRM systems are implemented, what issues they solve and how it can be integrated into an existing business.

Issues that CRM implementation solves


Before deciding to use such a tool, you need to understand whether it is needed for business at all. Many companies exist "in the old-fashioned way", where managers write down data in a logbook, communicate with the client only by phone, and tasks are set at morning meetings. At the same time, employees spend a lot of time preparing reports, which, to put it mildly, are not always trustworthy.

Such companies could have have been seen as effective 10-15 years ago, but a high level of competition, information flow and growing customer demands do not make it possible to stay at this level. Therefore, the introduction of CPM systems becomes almost a must. This tool solves many problems, let's analyze the main ones.

Integrity and safety of the customer base

One of the main advantages of CPM is maintaining a single customer base. All contacts are saved in a virtual cloud so it is extremely difficult to lose them. Access is distributed among employees depending on position, each specialist can maintain his own separate base, and it is  cohesive with the system. The database is segmented; you can assign roles. Not only the company's customers are maintained, but also suppliers, partners, and other participants in business processes.

The introduction of the CPM system allows you to work with a "cold" audience, collecting separate databases. This leads to an increase in the number of customers. Employees have shared access to data, which makes it possible to offer effective customer service solutions and improve the efficiency of interaction both within the company and between business and client.

CRM system for Client management
WEZOM Insights
CRM system for Client management
Quality customer support will help your business to be in demand and grow in terms of profits!

Increase in sales efficiency

Installing CRM has a positive effect on sales efficiency. Here’s how:

  • The customer base is optimized, can be divided into categories like permanent, potential, promising, etc.;
  • It is easy to plan the actions of employees;
  • Work efficiency is increased due to a clear delegation of tasks and tools for automatic monitoring and collecting reports;
  • Thanks to sales statistics, it is easy to assess the demand for positions, prepare offers and regulate the marketing plan;
  • Electronic document management simplifies the process of registration of transactions, minimizes errors and improves the quality of service;
  • The speed of service is improved by accelerating response to customer requests;
  • The burden on managers is reduced;
  • The company's internal processes are improved, departments begin to interact with each other better and faster;
  • The logistics chain is optimised.

This is only some of the benefits that the tool brings. The goals of CRM implementation are simple: improve the efficiency of business management, reduce costs and increase revenues. If your company pursues the same goals, the implementation process is essential.

Improving customer service

Quality of customer service is one of the main concerns of any modern company. It all starts with an elementary response to a request and speedy service, to personalization and unique offers. Due to the introduction of CPM, communication with customers becomes simple, effective, fast and productive. You can create newsletters, congratulate customers on special dates, prepare offers based on purchase history, send out invitations to events. Conduct a dialogue with customers and they will become permanent.

Optimization of company workflows

CRM installation optimizes many workflows. For example: the client leaves a request on the site and wants to purchase goods. The application begins the shipping process. The manager, even if he immediately notices her, calls the client back. There is a dialogue, the client does not yet dare to buy. Next, the manager should find out if there is a product of interest in the warehouse. The client thinks. The employee calls back, but the client decides not to buy the goods yet. How will the introduction of the CPM system help solve this issue?

The application pops-up directly on the manager's chat, the system shows data on balances, or a warehouse request is automatically generated. The manager already knows about the inventory during the call. The system has a working script, which already increases the likelihood of sales. The client decides to think. Okay. But they get included into the database of potential buyers. Next, a personal offer is prepared to convince them to buy. Even if it is not ready, the data is stored in the database for you to work with in the future.

The company's processes are easy to optimize, automate and speed-up. Document management, data autocompletion, personal offers, task delegation are only a small part of the processes that the system can automate and improve.

Standardization and automation of enterprise sales

Most of all, businesses love order. The introduction of CPM systems ensures this order and guides business processes to the desired standard. This means that managers will work according to a clear algorithm, which sets up each process and follows a given direction. This approach eliminates ego and mistakes. It works especially effectively when

sales periods are changing. Seasonal sales and holiday trade are now being established in a short time. This approach ensures ordered business and increases efficiency.

Obtaining detailed analytics and statistics

One of the main advantages of implementing CRM is the availability of detailed analytics and reporting tools. You can easily control the work of each employee, see real sales, income and expenses of the company. Thanks to these analytics, a sales, marketing and business promotion plan is swiftly developed.

Statistics allow you to evaluate strengths and weaknesses, understand what is happening within the company, see changes in the market and view trends. This is necessary to acquire the dynamism and flexibility of a company that can adapt to modern realities and manage trading accordingly.

Stages of CRM implementation

Stages of CRM implementation

The implementation plan for this digital tool consists of several stages. At each stage, a number of duties are carried out, thanks to which CRM can be implemented in both a new companies and in existing businesses. The CRM system implementation project proceeds as follows.

Description of the company's business processes

Initially, you need to understand how the company works, what business processes are taking place and what can be improved, automated and optimized. To do this, WEZOM analysts study in detail the features of the business sector, target audience, competitors and internal processes of the company. We draw up a non-disclosure agreement for confidential and commercial information, so that you can be sure your data is protected.

It is important to understand the structure of the company, from cleaners and receptionists to the board of directors. The company's products, services provided, and the  managers work ethics are studied. How to work with the client, where applications come from, how the marketing system works and what analytics tools are used are some frequently asked questions. This is all necessary in order to draw up an accurate and appropriate project for the implementation of the CRM system into a business.

Preparation of the terms of reference

After identifying strengths and weaknesses, you need to understand how to deal with problems and how to improve sales. We study where customers are lost, at what stages transactions are disrupted and how to optimize the work of employees. After that, an implementation plan is developed, and optimal tools are selected that will eliminate the company's weaknesses, improve customer interaction and increase sales. The terms of reference are drawn up in the form of documentation followed by developers and specialists providing CRM implementation services.

Forminga CPM setup protocol

If the terms of reference is a set of rules and recommendations that will help improve business performance, the setup card is a clear technical plan that will help to optimally integrate the tool into the company. Based on the data obtained, a set of tools is formed that will work: checklists and sales funnels are prescribed, tools for interaction with the client are determined, and algorithms deciding courses of action are developed taking into account the peculiarities of the situation.

As soon as the implementation plan is beginning to be executed, and tools to be used are being prepared, the configuration map will give an understanding of what algorithms employees will work on.

CRM setup, data import, integration

Let’s say CRM is being installed. Following the plan, specialists set up an account, integrate third-party services, import existing databases, form new statuses and create sales funnels. All technical settings are made and the tool is being prepared for launch and operation. The system is tested, if everything works well, the CPM system is then implemented at the enterprise.

User training

CRM implementation services do not end there. Specialists will then train employees, showing them how to work with the novel digital tool. If the company is small, then at the stages of development the manager will study the principles of interaction of the program with his company, heads of departments will adopt skills and transfer them to their employees. Coaching services are provided for large enterprises. The task is to convey the benefits of the tool, its capabilities and goals. No matter how powerful the tool is, if employees cannot use it, it will not be effective. Therefore, the training stage is vitally important.

Technical support

After the implementation of the CRM, technical support is provided. During the tests, it is impossible to take into account all the scenarios of working with the system, so continued technical assistance allows you to tweak the tool in a short amount of time, changing the functionality or improving it. In addition, there may be technical failures in cyberspace. We provide warranty support, as well as a full customer support service.

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The merits of CRM system implementation are far-ranging. This is a must-have modern digital tool that helps to automate and improve the company's business processes, optimize the work of employees, reduce workload, minimize errors and risks, reduce costs and increase profits. It helps to establish solid communication with customers, provide personal services, turn customers into regulars, and a "cold" audience into customers of the company.

At WEZOM, we provide CRM implementation services, as well as offer the development of personal systems with a unique set of tools for business. We select the best solutions, study in detail the features of the business, paying close attention to detail. We work strictly under contract, no under-the-table payments, allocate a personal team of developers, accompany you from the beginning of cooperation until full launch as well as providing warranty support. Call us or come to the office to discuss the details, the cost of implementing CRM in your business and deadlines and other details. Let's improve sales and communication with customers together.

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