After months of rumors, on January 1st 2022 the transport industry giant jTracker was shut down. jTracker was a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software and, if you’re in the auto-transport industry, you know what a key element of the transit process that is. CRMs essentially digitalize the relationship between shippers and transporters. Now that the star of the industry since 2005 has officially been retired, and is no longer available, what’s next for dispatch tracking and CRM use? Read on to discover how WEZOM plans to serve your business post-jTracker era.
Customer Relationship Management
For those who don’t know: a CRM software is a digital interface for customers and distributers to interact. It also automates many repetitive, time-consuming tasks like:
- Email notifications, even batch emails, and other messaging;
- Lead pricing with price engines;
- Electronic document signing and invoicing;
- Inline editing;
- Secure credit card payments;
- Reporting order status updates and tracking.
You can imagine that, providing as many functionalities as it does and being in widespread use, any distributor needs to be working with a CRM to run an efficient and profitable business.
What happened?
So, what took down the leading player in CRM? What happened on Jan 1st was a forced data migration of Central Dispatch: the main transportation load board that matches shippers with the network of professional auto carriers. The new, preferred CRM of Central Dispatch became BATS CRM, which accepted information such as customer information, billing and payment details and company data during the migration.

The move was done, they claim, as part of a drive to simplify the automotive logistics supply chain… instead they left many automotive shippers hanging, desperately looking for a jTracker replacement. This was happening in conjunction with a time with tight inventory and record wholesale volumes: facilitated by the digital channels and infrastructure dealers were using more and more. Used vehicle operations these days are characterized by an ever-increasing number of vehicles transported and an increasing average distance that those vehicles are shipped.
WEZOM is Ready to help
So how can you get what you need to stay competitive? WEZOM plans on not keeping you waiting and providing you with advanced technology, mobile device interoperability and all the toolsets you will ever need without delay. WEZOM offers a ready-to-use analogue that will improve your processes greatly. After swift solution delivery, conveniently review carrier options and choose to connect and transport as you please. Prepare to experience seamless, speedy integration with your operations as the CRM solution you require is installed in a flash.
Deploy automated decisioning, buying and selling, streamlining and growing your business with us, despite the market turmoil.