We created a reliable platform for transportation online tenders.

The Interpipe Group is a global player in the metallurgical market that offers the manufacturing of both steel pipes and railway wheels. The company's production is distributed to 70 countries around the globe. The clients include leading companies in the oil & gas, construction, and transport industries.
In organizing its transportation, Interpipe relies on an electronic tender platform for freight forwarders. However, with the growth of workloads, the system began to lose speed and make unacceptable errors in the processing of requests. It was time to update the platform fundamentally, so the Interpipe team reached out to WEZOM.

To develop a new version of the platform of the tender site for bidding for the purchase of road transport.

A reliable and safe web tendering app for tender procurement of transport services.
- PHP 8;
- Laravel 8 with octane (Swoole);
- WS Server (Swoole engine);
- PostgresSQL 14;
- Redis (cache/queue);
- GraphQL;
- TypeScript;
- React.js;
- Next.js;
- Apollo Client;
- Ant Design.

The auction timer and current bids are updated for all bidders without any delays, in real time.

The back-end and front-end platforms are designed to handle high loads and guarantee accurate and timely processing of requests.

The platform's design is updated so it meets modern standards. The system offers a convenient filter system, and electronic cards for tenders contain all the information necessary for forwarders.

A new tender platform is already a part of routine operations in Interpipe. Now, a client can be a hundred percent sure that his or her daily transportation online tenders are performed without delays or issues.
Moving to a modern web tender application allowed the Interpipe team to leave complaints and misunderstandings related to errors in the bidding system as a thing of the past. The new platform helps avoid situations, in which the winner of the tender can be chosen in a wrong way, or is not chosen at all. This minimizes the risks of downtime and losses and strengthens the client's logistics.