Document Flow for Energetic Company

WorkFlow system for the Energetic Company

Development of a document management system for creating, processing, receiving, transferring, saving, and archiving documents at the enterprise.


About our oil & gas Сlient

A client with a business in the oil & gas industry decided to turn to us for the custom development of document management software. Previously, the client's company used software solutions such as Bitrix24 and 1C, which were difficult to deal with for beginners. 

Moreover, these systems did not suit the client for personal reasons. These factors determined the further impossibility of renewing the license by the client and made them think about developing their own product that would be better and more efficient than the ones described above.

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The client contacted our team to create a custom document flow solution for an automation and optimizing business processes
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within the company through a simple and intuitive user interface.
Goals and objectives

WorkFlow Goals and Objectives

The created custom product had to be more convenient than the ready-made solutions that the client's company used before.
In particular, it had to reduce the amount of manual work and synchronize all data sources used.
And, of course, we needed to focus on automating as many processes as possible to speed up their execution.
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ERP system Solution

The 1C ERP system previously used by the client had a rather high entry threshold for new users and did not allow automation of all the necessary business processes of the company. Therefore, we had to make every effort to create an analog significantly superior to its predecessor in these two aspects. Therefore, we built a modular document flow solution consisting of the following components:

  • task module with advanced access rights settings;
  • task list;
  • task card;
  • verification (for counterparts);
  • verification of the contract (gas and electricity);
  • archives of documents;
  • systemic awareness;
  • module of external, internal, and outgoing correspondence.
Technology used
Ant Design
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RESULTS: MVP is Ready and we Continue to Cooperate

Today, our custom development is still continuing: after rapid prototyping and 1.5 years of continuous work, we launched the MVP and now transform it into a full-fledged solution. The result that the client received was reduced settlement terms by over 55.7% as well as the time of work with the document flow by 47%.

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