EasyLoad: SaaS TMS for a logistics company

EasyLoad: SaaS TMS for a logistics company

Development of a complex SaaS TMS solution for logistics business


EasyLoad Client

The client's company has existed in the US market since 2003 and is engaged in logistics services. This company set out to launch a digital solution that would be competitive with the SuperDispatch service (and other popular solutions for logistics) and cheaper and simpler than it. Thus, the WEZOM team was tasked with creating a SaaS TMS for a logistics company that would allow drivers and dispatchers (including from other companies) to interact as flexible as possible, optimizing all processes related to cargo transportation.

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Goals and objectives

The main challenge we faced was to thoroughly understand all the client's business processes for their automation within our software solution.

Develope customizable SaaS TMS for logistics companies that provided end-to-end automation of the vehicle transportation life cycle from origin to destination
Automate receiving and managing an order from a broker, transferring information about an order to a driver with the ability to monitor the entire transportation cycle from the acceptance of cargo to its delivery and indicating the presence of its possible damage
Implemente an administrator's panel
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We have created a TMS software to automate the lifecycle of cargo transportation from origin to destination.

This management system automates such tasks as the acceptance and management of an order from a broker, the transmission of information about the order to the driver, tracking the status of the order and the status of the driver during the execution of the order, as well as generating reports of acceptance and delivery of cargo (for drivers).

Technology used
Ant Design
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What Problem Did Our Team Face?

During the development process, we encountered several problems at once. The first problem was to achieve a thorough understanding of the business processes that the client’s  company performs and choose the best ways to automate them. We also needed to implement complex dependencies to ensure the interaction of various roles and processes (drivers and dispatchers, cargo, orders, etc.). We managed to do this through the creation of mindmaps and use cases

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The Final Result - EasyLoad TMS

The final result that we presented to the client was a TMS for logistics companies, which allows the personnel to edit the actions of drivers and dispatchers, create routes, check orders, etc., and does not require such high investments as analogs existing on the market.

Thus, the ROI of this product was 1 year. 

In more than 19.5% reduced company’s costs through process optimization.

In more than 41% reduced unloading time at the point in 3 overruns decreased times.

Project manager
UX Designer
Frontend Developer
PHP developers
Mobile developers
QA manual and QA automation
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